Home Reading

Snuggle Up and Read 

Launched on Tuesday, October 14th

 Your child has brought home a plastic baggie.  Inside the bag is a Book Log booklet which includes a brief note, space to date, record the book read and initial, and helpful hints for your child.  Also is a pamphlet outlining helpful tips for reading to and with your child from the HWCDSB along with a bookmark from me to use while reading.

 Please return the bag along with the Book Log Booklet so I can place a sticker beside the book or books read for the week. 
 I hope you enjoy reading with your child and seeing them grow and develop in their reading.  Make this reading time one that is fun and enjoyable.

A few things to keep in mind when reading with your child:

Keep in mind that although your child may read many or most  of the words correctly, reading is far more than simply reading words on a page. 
 In order to progress to the next level, I look at a few things:
  • How fluently your child is able to read.  Are they reading word by word or is it phrased? Do they notice punctuation and pause or stop when necessary? 
  • What types of errors do they make?  Are they using or neglecting meaning?  Does what your child read make sense? ie.  substituting big for large. 
  • Do they notice the structure of the words being read? Are they using or neglecting structure?  Is what they read grammatically correct? ie.  I like to play green beans. or I like to eat green beans.
  • Are they visually looking carefully at the words and letters on the page?  Are they using or neglecting what they see?  Do they pay attention to letters in the words? ie.  was for saw    or   back for pack       
  • Another important component is how well they understand what is being read.  
I read with groups of students throughout the week, where all of these components are monitored and assessed.  The book that is sent home is supposed to be an easy read.  As they progress to higher reading levels, I will send home books that are one to two levels lower than their instructional level so as to ensure they feel confident reading and develop a love of reading.  I hope this helps understand the early reader.

 Reading to and with your child is very importantPlease help me to instill a "love of reading" with your child.